When everything in life feels hectic, there’s nothing better than relaxing in a space that helps ease your stress, transporting you to your very own oasis. At Urbanwalls, that’s our goal—to give you those rooms capable of inspiring happy thoughts and creativity.
With our self-adhesive wallpaper, it’s easy and affordable to transform any room into a haven. Not only are our wallpapers easy to install, but they’re also easy to remove when you feel like changing up your space with a new look. Whether it’s your bedroom, bathroom, or your office, using a simple wallpaper in your space is the perfect way to promote calm feelings, even when the rest of your life feels cluttered.
Our simple wallpaper designs were crafted to deliver a crisp and clean aesthetic. Did you know that when your room feels put together it can increase productivity and actually make you feel happier? It’s true, wallpaper makes people happy! (Especially when it’s affordable and easy to install.) For us, simple, neutral wallpapers are where it’s at. We love bright and bold as much as the next girl, but if you’re looking for something that will help you keep your cool after a long day—this is the ticket! All of our minimalistic wallpapers have neutral tones that can be easily matched to any existing color scheme. Whether it’s just a finishing touch or complete makeover, these designs will completely remodel your space with minimal effort but a lasting impact.

So, let’s give you all the details on our minimalist wallpaper. One order includes a double roll of wallpaper, each measuring 23 inches wide, with your choice of 8, 9, or 10 feet tall. We like to offer options so you can ensure the wallpaper fits your room dimensions just right. If you need a larger or smaller size, our wonderful team can make your custom measurements work so you can achieve your room goals.
At this point you may be wondering, “Okay, but how tough is installation?” We’re glad you asked! Our wallpapers have beautiful repeating patterns that are easy to match up as you install each panel. Since every panel will have the same pattern, you don’t have to stress about which piece to start with. Don’t panic if it’s your first time installing! We include a step-by-step instruction sheet in each order that will guide you in your installation journey. If you need extra back-up, we have lots of resources to help you if you need more examples, including DIY video tutorials.
Simply peel the backing off, stick it in place, and smooth as you move down the panel. Don’t forget to leave a little bleed on the top and at the side on your first panel to ensure everything lines up perfectly. At the end of your install, you can cut off all your access material with the help of your trusty exacto blade.
Whether it be an accent wall for your living room or a full room transformation for your teenager, these wallpapers will add a little special something-something to your home.
So, what types of simple, minimalist wallpaper do we offer? Let’s take a look, shall we?

Scalloped Stucco
Adding our Scalloped Stucco wallpaper to the main wall in your office can completely change the feel of the room, making you actually excited to sit at your desk! (Believe it or not.) The mixture of tan colors and scalloped pattern brings a textured look to the room, delivering personality and breathing new life into old spaces.

Country Hydrangeas & Magnolia Blooms
If you love the minimalistic look but are more comfortable with traditional wallpaper installation, our Country Hydrangeas and Magnolia Blooms come with a pre-pasted option. Submerging your wallpaper in a tray of water will activate the adhesive. Before you know it, your space will bloom before your eyes! The two wallpapers from our Countryside Collection have lovely floral patterns and are available in three different color options: grey, vanilla, and blue. These tasteful designs are delightfully reminiscent of summer mornings in the garden.

Kaleidoscope Palms
Even though these wallpapers fall under the “simple” category, they are anything but plain! The patterns found in these wallpapers are mesmerizing, creating a showstopping experience for anyone who visits your home. Take our Kaleidoscope Palms wallpaper for example: this simple yet intricate design invokes tranquility while simultaneously delivering a sense of depth and dimension to any room. The grey color is an easy-to-work-with neutral while the pattern provides an eye-catching design, giving you the best of both worlds.

Speckled Desert
Adhering to the minimalistic style can be tough when you’ve had a busy week and your whole house feels cluttered…but our simple wallpapers will give the illusion of having it together—even on those days when you feel far from it! Trust us. Been there, done that, experience it on the regular. Luckily, the subtle tones of our wallpaper easily match any existing furniture and décor, helping you feel just that much cooler, calmer, and collected. Our Speckled Desert wallpaper is perfect for installation in any room—but we do love it in bathrooms. Having a bath full of bubbles with a glass of wine while you enjoy the look of your new wallpaper is ideal after a tough day.

Silver Ficus
If for whatever reason you can’t install our wallpaper on your walls but are in love with a particular design… we’ve got you covered! Our wallpapers are easy to use in DIY projects that don’t even include your walls. All of our products can be applied to any smooth, flat, and clean surface. Which means you can apply our Silver Ficus wallpaper onto dresser drawers, closet doors, or pantry areas for pleasing designs in surprising locations. No matter where you install the Silver Ficus wallpaper, the watercolor botanical pattern will quickly become a favorite décor element.