Sharks, mermaids, and whales—oh my! It may not be Shark Week yet, but with designs from Under the Sea, prepare for the summer ahead, creating scenes of whimsical sea-renity.
Do you love the ocean and marine life? You’re in good company! With our Under the Sea wall decals, you can create a look that features your favorite nautical buddies or build an entire oceanic setting using all three. We’d say the sky’s the limit, but really, we think it might be the ocean floor.
Many of these decals have been hand-painted with watercolors by our in-house artist, delivering an original design in colors that truly mimic the ocean waves. And while our mermaids and sharks may have a youthful quality to them, our whale decals have a slightly vintage look, making it a versatile choice for a child or adult’s room! Personally, we love to see our whales swimming through a study or sitting room.
Our Mermaid wall decals includes water beauties with flowing hair in every shade—black, red, brown, blonde, and everything in between. Plus, these sweet sirens come in larger and smaller sizes (“Little Mermaids”, if you will) to fit your desired space. Pair either size of sleeping mermaids alongside the included watercolored waves, starfish, and seashells of playful seafoam and brightest blue!
One of our favorite things about our Mermaid decals is that they were hand-painted by our very own artists before being turned into decals! Original, beautiful, and affordable.

We’re having a whale of a good time over here! Submerge yourself in the ocean blue as our Whale wall decals swim serenely through your living space. Arrange each whale on a single wall or spread them throughout the house! But with 5 different whale species, you may have to remind yourself from time to time that you’re not living in an aquarium.

Available in blue or grey, our Shark wall decals create a JAWstopping statement! Watercolored by our very own in-house artist, our shark decals are available in both big and small size variations. No matter which color or size you pick—or if you pick all of the above—the packs include an assortment of waves, water orbs, and starfish—all in colors of playful seafoam, brightest blue, or moody grey.